Graduates of the Department of Cultural Technology and Communication at the University of the Aegean can have as their main occupation the design and development of software, as well as multimedia and digital audiovisual applications for the production, promotion, management and educational use of cultural information.
In particular, graduates of the Department may be employed, either independently, or in collaboration with other scientists and technicians, in the public and private sectors for the application of information technologies in contemporary fields of knowledge, such as those defined by museology, educational technology, digital audiovisual arts and cultural representation using new technologies.
Graduates of D.C.T.C can deal with:
• Design of interactive and network multimedia applications
• Design and development of information systems and software for multimedia applications
• Development and management of digital audiovisual products
• Designing, organizing and implementing digital educational programs
• Design information systems and software for management-related applications (museums, art galleries and other entities with relevant interests)
• Training and support of culture and education professionals for the adoption and exploitation of the above applications in their work
• Directing, editing and synthesizing digital data for video, animation and moving image in general
• Graphic and animation design and editing for interactive multimedia applications
• Organizing exhibitions, educational programs and other events in museums and related cultural organizations.
• Searching and organizing digital archive material and creating Databases
• Preparation of studies for the creation of cultural activities, organizations and new museums
• Marketing, management and communication strategies of cultural institutions and organizations
Graduates of D.C.T.C. can work in both the public and private sector and in particular at:
• Multimedia production companies with an emphasis on culture (digital applications, online presentations, organization of cultural events and exhibitions)
• Management companies for music, film, visual arts and other artistic events
• Private libraries and archiving and documentation centers
• Private museums and galleries (management, collections enrichment, education and distance education, publications, electronic guides)
• Publishing houses and services related to print and mainly electronic media
• Advertising Agencies
• Image and sound production or processing companies as editors or directors.
• Secondary education schools qualified as Informatics teachers (qualified as ΠΕ86 – previously ΠΕ19)
• Services of the Ministry of Culture dealing with the management, organization and promotion of culture and cultural events
• Public Libraries and Archiving and Documentation Centers
• Museums and Art Galleries (management, collection enrichment, education and distance education, publications, telematics)
• Authorities and services involved in the organization of cultural events and the promotion of cultural data, such as Local Authorities and District services
• European Union institutional services and directorates dealing with cultural management issues